Tuesday, September 2, 2014

DC. Data. Doughnuts. My Orientation Experience.

DC: Walking into orientation bright and early on the morning of August 19th, in the city of Washington, DC, I sensed expectation and apprehension in the room. My classmates and I tried to look awake and make small talk in our stiff and professional looking business suits. We were embarking together on a yearlong adventure towards a Master’s degree in Business Analysis! The sense of apprehension was augmented by the impressive credentials of the professors who would serve as our instructors and mentors. Gathered in the lecture hall, the 27 members of our cohort were brought together by a program that promised to teach us practical business principles, to make us comfortable with the small talk and the suits, and to help us become moral professionals.

Data: In contrast to the high-energy, larger-than-life-whirlwind of undergrad orientation, this day was focused. Amongst the many topics, I noticed a theme: the relationship between business and data. It reminds me of a video I watched about the enormity of data and technological advancement. (http://youtu.be/YmwwrGV_aiE) It captures the overwhelming weight of data that we generate with every living moment and begs the question, “So what does it all mean?”

As we learned at orientation, employers are asking the same thing.  We will need to know problem solving just as much as processing and analyzing data. It was really exciting to find our coursework full of structured thinking, analytical skill, and decision-making. I know that by the end of the year it will be possible to make a little sense out of a lot of data.

Doughnuts: are delicious! They treat us nice here.


  1. Paige, I hope that you are starting to feel at home at your new institution. At the end of four years at CUA, I had thought that it was the place to drew me in. I thought it was the grand basilica with great buildings only a stone's throw away. But just as we started our program, I have come to the new conclusion that it is really the people to make CUA a great place. I hope that you have found that the people and program will cause you to enjoy this place as much as I do!

  2. Nicely done! Thanks for the link to the video! Have you seen the updated version for 2014? http://youtu.be/XrJjfDUzD7M

  3. Pat, I had a similar experience at my undergrad, where I came to the realization that the people were such an important factor in my love of the school. Thank you for sharing your passion for CUA and making me feel welcome! I am looking forward to discovering what you have already found at CUA, great friendships and familiarity with an excellent institution.

  4. Thank you, Mr. Steel! It is funny that you should mention it. Yes, I saw the updated version in Professor McHie's class the day after I posted this blog. He had independently decided to show the video in class, and I had happened to blog about it, the night before. I will update the link!
